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Crossing The Lines: A Portrait of Osamu Fujimura

The straight frame of this painting and these squares
Whose fracture-lines of crackled black and gold,
Trace beauty in the trauma of their making,
All these cannot contain or circumscribe
The human face whose mystery compels us
To meet his gaze with ours. Beauty and pain
In equal measure look out from his eyes,
His silver hair, the warm tones of his skin
Are graced with lines of wisdom. The firm lines
Around his mouth, the lines that seal his lips
Speak without words a wisdom of restraint,
And we are drawn towards him. For this face
Crosses the lines that intersect like graphs,
Traces a shape of pure anomaly,
An unexpected grace that breaks the frame
Of everything we used to think we knew:
A new coherence enters time and space.

Osamu Fujimura sees beyond;
Not just beyond this frame of wood and paint,
But out beyond the frame of all our thought.
He has a mind that probes each paradigm,
That goes behind the seeing to the source;
The genesis of things. As generative
Grammar gives the form and flow of thought
Before our meanings harden into words,
So too a father’s generative love
Becomes a source of generosity,
A root of grace and beauty for the son.
In peace he passes on, from heart to heart,
The living science that becomes an art.